Recently I've been having some trouble with both of the GPSrs that I currently own. I have a Magellan Explorist 600, and a Garmin GPS V.
For a while the Magellan hasn't been holding much of a charge. Shortly after that happened, the screw where the power/data cable attaches stripped out. That has left me using rubber bands to hold the cable onto the back of the GPS while attached to the car charger. It's a pain when I need to remove or reattach the cable.
The Garmin suddenly started freezing on me. It did this in the middle of Waymarking a nearby cemetery, and the 30+ Zinc headstones there. I've done some reading, and it sounds like it's a somewhat common problem. There are also a variety of "fixes" out there, some work for some folks, others for others.....none for me. I have read that while Garmin no longer supports this unit, they are looking into releasing a patch to fix it. I assume they must be getting many complaints about it.
So this leaves me nearly GPSless for the time being. They both work, but not well, and it's really not worth the frustration of trying to get any waypoints marked.
This past August, I bought myself a motorcycle. Since then I've been thinking about a GPS solution for it. I mainly want a more accurate speedometer, and to be able to record my tracks. It'll also be nice to have along for any impromptu Waymarking and Geocaching.
After giving it some thought, I think I'm actually going to downgrade, rather than upgrade, so I've bid on a Magellan Meridian Platinum. I had a Meridian Green before the Explorist 600, so I'm familiar with the unit. I always like the Merigreen, but I thought that I would like the Exp 600 better. In the end, I really don't. The Merigreen never had any problems, even though I Geocached, and hiked a lot with it. I dropped it countless times, and had it out in all sorts of weather. So I know they're pretty rugged, and I also still have the handlebar mount for the Merigreen that I can easily transfer to the motorcycle to hold a Platinum. The Platinum has a little larger screen, and larger leather glove friendly buttons. Plus I still have the Topo software, so I can load detailed maps into the Platinum. Can't really beat the price either. Since they're old tech, monochrome displayed, antiques (in terms of tech gadgets), no one really wants them much so they're inexpensive!
Near N40° 18.775 W083° 07.073
Friday, October 24, 2008
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