Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wii, and playing catch-up.

It's been a couple of days, but not much of anything has happened lately.

I did manage to get the aforementioned Wii. I ended up being first in line for it at Circuit City. Dewgrl and I got there around 5:45ish, and were the only ones in the line until about 6:30. The majority of people didn't show up until around 7:30-8:00a, even though they were supposed to start handing out tickets at 9am. We had intended to get the ticket at 9a, then go grab a bit of breakfast and come back around 10a when they opened. Circuit City didn't end up passing out the tickets until 9:40a. At that point we figured we'd just hang out until the store opened, which they finally did at about 10:10a.

I've played the system a little bit over the past few days and have really been enjoying it. The new gameplay and controls are great, plus I can still play all my old favorite Game Cube games on it as well. I'm still getting used to it, but the included games really help as tutorials to get one used to the controls.

In waymarking notes, I haven't bagged any new locations since the last writing, but I have made some lists of places that would have potential waymarks, and scoped out a few as well. I did work through some of my back log tonight by posting the Delaware County Jail and Sheriff's residence under both the U.S. National Register of Historic Places (not approved yet) and Retired Prisons. I also got a Time Capsule up there. A shooting range, and a truss bridge. That truss bridge happens to be one of my favorites, since it's where I grew up and pretty much the little town's biggest pride and joy....even if it's just a rusty old bridge. Sadly it's going to be torn down later this year to make way for a newer, stronger, safer, but more boring bridge.

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