Thursday, April 5, 2007

More Waymarking

Since last I wrote I've been trying to catch up my backlog. I've finally convinced myself that I'll never be completely caught up, so I'm not trying to rush any of them. I tend to enjoy more historical locations since I always learn something about my little town, and I can show others some of the lesser known history of the area. Even though Delaware is a small town of about 25,000 people there is great history here. From the Scioto Trail which the Native Americans used to travel from hunting grounds in present day Kentucky, to Lake Erie, the early settlements of Ohio, Presidential history, clear up to present day, I think Delaware and the surrounding areas have a lot to be proud of. With this, it sometimes takes a decent amount of time at the library, or separating fact from fiction on the net. A great example of this is the Perkins Observatory which I listed in the Astronomical Observatories category, and the Weird Story Locations. I still need to get it listed under the U.S. Register of Historic Places, but I've not gotten around to that yet. I spent about nearly 2 hours researching it, and typing everything up, even though I'm reasonably familiar with its history, having visited there in the past, and using it for a locationless cache back when they were around. I'm hoping to get up to the Delaware Historical Society soon to get some information about several Waymarks I've been sitting on for a while.

I also managed to get out on Tuesday to enjoy the 80° weather we had....had being the operative was about 35° yesterday, and 30° today with snow all day long...and dragged Dewgrl along as well to grab a few waymarks between dinner and a few errands. I think she just humors me in my Waymarking endeavors, but she does like to find bells, so I try to make sure a few of those get thrown in when we're out. On Tuesday I grabbed a used bookstore which is also a used video-game store, a ghost ad, bicycle shop, independent coffee shop, antique store, 3 bells, 2 playgrounds, a community park, a pier, 4 Weird Story locations (one of them being Perkins Observatory, which as I mentioned can be cross posted in Observatories, and U.S. Register), an outdoor basketball court, another used video-game store, and I also grabbed a few additional required pics for a couple of Neon Light locations, more required pics for a couple antique shops, as well as some coords that I needed.

I've also posted an antique store, an outdoor warning siren, a public library, the above mentioned basketball court, the above mentioned Weird Story Location, and the above mentioned pier. I also posted the above mentioned observatory, bicycle shop, and combo used book/used game store, but those have not yet been approved.

I also posted an Underground Railroad site which got denied due to my own lack of attention. Along with the pictures I took of the location, I also posted a few historical pics of some the people mentioned in its history. I copied the images from the Ohio Historical Society's website a while back and intended to get permission to use them. It was one of the later marks I posted last night, so I forgot that I hadn't yet asked for permission to use them. Thankfully the approver was more attentive than I was and denied the listing. I sent an email to one of the contacts at the OHS last night, and received a response today. It turns out that they typically charge fees to use images from their site, however, since I've worked with them in gathering pictures and information of many Ohio Historical Markers (which I've been Waymarking as well as providing the info/pics to the OHS) they were kind enough to waive the charges for me. I just need to send in a form and then I'll be set to go. So for now this Waymark is going to sit inactive and unapproved until I get the formalities out of the way.

In addition, The Blue Quasar gave me a little bit of a laugh last night as the approver for my public library. In the approver notes s/he said "You didn't have to remove the bricks and stick that cement block in then chisel the word library.. a picture of the sign would be enough... A for effort though." Maybe it's not so obvious in the smaller picture uploaded to Waymarking, but in the high-res original I have it clearly shows that the "library" sign is cast iron. So I didn't chisel anything, all I had to do was get the sign cast and then bolt it into the brick when nobody was I would have the time for all the chiseling. Ahh, the lengths we'll go to in order to ensure our Waymarks get approved. :)

Speaking of approvals, I had my outdoor basketball court approved by bootron who mentioned reading this blog from time to time. So, many thanks for the approval, and thanks for stopping by bootron!

Well I guess that's about it for now. I don't have any real plans for any Waymarking soon, but who knows what will happen. This coming Sunday I may be visiting a great place a couple hours away that'll net me a few interesting waymarks, but it all depends on whether it's open, being that it'll be Easter Sunday. I'm not going to tell you where it is just for the fun of building suspense. Additionally, even though some may not see Waymarking as being as adventurous as Geocaching, I'm considering filming some of my Waymarking trips and posting them over on YouTube, partly to spread the word about Waymarking, but mostly just because it'll be fun for me.

1 comment:

Hikenutty said...

You moved! Are you going to keep your Live-Journal blog or move everything over to blogspot? Let me know and I'll update my blog link and the link on