Today I went for a hike at Blues Creek Preserve, part of the Delaware County Preservation Parks system ( This was a nice little hike, that took me about 2.2 miles round trip. I started from the main parking back near the playground area, and took the grassy trail starting to the west. That took me around a prarie area along the treeline then back to the road. I crossed the road and turned north on the main gravel path to get to the foot bridge over Blues Creek. After looking at the scenery there for a moment, I headed back south, where that main trial passes behind the playground, and becomes the "nature trail." Had I continued north at the bridge it would have been a short walk through some grasslands and second growth woods to a small parking area near the entrance to the park. The trail system here is setup a little differently. The 2 main loops spur off of the nature trail....sort of. Once you hike back the nature trail long enough you see a sign that announces the "Shagbark" trail. It's the first loop shown below, to the south. It loops back around through some fairly thick woods. There also appears to be some small streams that run through there, although today they were dry. After getting back to the main trail, there is a sign announcing the "Bluestem" trail to the south. I headed around that loop. It's a grassy trail through another prarie/grassland area. The trail loops back onto itself, leading you to turn back north to get onto the main trail again. Heading north I completed the Shagbark trail, back through the playground and to the car. I enjoyed the hike, and it didn't seem like I had hiked as far as I did. Mainly due to the fact that there are few elevation changes along the way, I believe. It was a cool, crisp day with the sun peeking out from behind a mostly cloudy sky.

Taken from the southern side of the Bluestem trail looking north. This was taken with no filtering in place on my camera.

Another shot from the same spot looking north and a little east. This was with a circular polarizer on the lens. I like how the sky was darkened, but I need to play with the settings to get the landscape to show up too.

The aerial view of my track log.
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