Now that the weather has turned cooler, and the leaves are starting to change, I decided it would be a great day for wandering in the woods. After running a few errands, I headed down to Seymour Woods State Nature Preserve. I started by heading straight up the trail, to the cabin. From there I headed to the left, walking through groves of pines, and beech before coming to the foundations, and old silo there. I spent some time taking photographs of the old homestead before heading on. From there I crossed the entrance trail and out into and old field that is being quickly filled in by second growth timber. I took more pictures of some oak leaves that were just beginning to change to a deep red color. The veins in the leaves were still green, and from below, there was a dark green background provided by other trees, spotted with deep blue sky. I continued on around crossing back into the deeper, older woods. In places it becomes quite dark with the trees blocking the sunlight. I wandered over to look at the stream running through there, which separates the preserve from Camp Lazarus. From the nature preserve you can overlook a large ampitheater, used by the BSA camp, built into the high cliffs of the stream. A short time later I took a moment to rest; sitting on a bridge over a small spring that runs into the stream. From the bridge you can see where the spring has cut through the layers of shale, leaving them exposed. After that it was a short walk back to the cabin, and thusly out of the park almost 2 miles later. On the way home I picked up some pictures that I had dropped off earlier in the day.
Here are the pics from the hike described above.

An aerial view of the tracklog for my hike.

One view of the cabin on the way in.

One of the foundations. I didn't pay attention to the fact that I was shooting into the sun, but it still made for a sort of neat effect. For comparison. This was taken in almost the exact same spot as the picture from last year of this foundation, shown almost at the very bottom of this entry.

Same foundation as above from the other side.

Some old tin cans and a Crown Cola bottle....
"Bottles and cans just clap your hands, just clap your hands" - Beck "Where it's at"
I've had that song stuck in my head ever since I took that picture.

Inside the silo looking up


More Leaves

The valley.

The shale bank of the little stream

Some mushrooms I saw along the way

Another view of the cabin. This is on the way back out.
The pictures below are from last year, when I first visited SWSNP. I still haven't used up the roll of film I had out there today. But that's the cabin, foundation, and silo mentioned above.

The cabin

The same foundation as shown above, in pretty much the same spot as the sun blured picture.

The silo
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